Club Standings 2021
#1. Fort to Fort Race, Rome 5K or10K – April 6
#2 Towpath Trail Race, St. Johnsville 5K or 10K – May 10
#3 Patriot Run 5K or 10K, Rome June 8
#4 Sundae Run 5K or 10K Richfield Springs – July 20
#5 Woodsmen’s Run 10K Boonville – August 15
#6 Falling Leaves 14K, Utica – September 28
(Final Season Totals)
Club | Points Results | Points Earned | Total Points To Date |
Kuyahoora Kickers | |||
Mohawk Valley Hill Striders | |||
Roman Runners | |||
Route 20 Roadies | |||
Tow Path Trekkers | |||
Utica Roadrunners |
Runners belonging to multiple clubs must declare their primary club at the first race
entered and only score for that club for the season.
The scoring formula can be accessed at:
Select the race distance in the event box (or type in 14K in the “distance” box for the
Falling Leaves); plug in the gender, age and time, then click the gray “Age-grade” box.
A percentage will be calculated in the Result box. (To give you an idea of what these
numbers represent, 60%+ is considered a local class runner; 70%+ is regional class; 80%
is national class; 90%+ is world class).
The top 5 calculated percentages from each team (using either race at events with more
than one distance) will count toward the total for each race. Calculated percentages are
statistically lower as race distances increase, so any 5K percentages used will be
multiplied by 0.98 to level the playing field. Incomplete teams (between 1 and 4 runners)
will still count toward race points. Club points awarded at each event after totaling the
race percentages are 6-5-4-3-2-1. The team with the most points at the end of the season
will be the champion. A tie after the six races would be broken by the comparing the
total event percentage points calculated throughout the season